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Last updated: 6/30/2020

Dear Parents and Campers,


We are happy to announce that we are able to organize our Kolonie Summer Camp program this year. Please be advised that preparation for Kolonie is different this year than in years past. We ask that parents carefully review the following information regarding preparation for a summer at Camp Vista.



  • Your registration for selected weeks did not change. The decision on whether or not to attend camp we leave to parents and children. We want to remind you that if you were to choose to resignate your reservation for this summer, we can transfer your deposit for next summer, which would guarantee you a spot in our Kolonie 2021 program. To parents who already paid in full we give the option to leave a deposit up to $50 per child and return the difference of the payment.


  • Every child will be able to participate in only one Kolonie week if he or she was signed up for multiple weeks.


  • In order to complete your registration, we ask that you familiarize yourself with the following documents:


               -  COVID-19 WAIVER : please SEND this form to our office along with your final payment to this address*

           - COVID-19 PRE-CAMP SCREENING : please bring this with you to camp

           - COVID-19 POSSIBLE QUESTIONNAIRE : questions that you may be asked while dropping off your child at camp


  • Please send your payment in full, as well as the filled-out waiver, to our office by JULY 2, 2020. We strongly suggest purchasing insurance covering health care, cost of cancelling your reservation for health reasons and others, change of plans, et.



  • In order to minimalize the chances of illnesses on the campground, we kindly ask parents to monitor daily the health of your child before coming to Kolonie.


  • We ask both children and parents to avoid visiting public places such as stores, etc. within as many days as possible prior of arrival at Camp Vista.



  • Children will have to be driven to Camp Vista by their parents/guardians TO AND FROM Camp Vista with their own methods of transportation:

              -  Drop-off: Sunday before 3:00 p.m. at Camp Vista

          -  Pick-up: Friday between 5:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. at Camp Vista


  • Providing your own transportation to Camp Vista will NOT lower the cost of attending Kolonie, since there are many additional costs associated with proper preparation and safe execution of the camp program that are unimaginably large. 

  • On the day of arrival, at 2:00 p.m. we will be measuring the temperatures of every arriving camper, as well as asking parents and campers questions regarding the health of the child(ren) and immediate family. For safety purposes, parents/guardians will not be allowed on the camp grounds after the screening. Children with symptoms of Coronavirus or any other contagious illness will be sent home.



  • If child shows any symptoms of the flu (no necessarily Coronavirus), he/she has to be picked up from Camp Vista within 6 hours of parental notification.  It is highly recommended to visit your doctor immidietely and take the Covid-19 test and inform Camp Vista about the results as soon as possible


  • Before confirming your reservation for Kolonie, parents should ask themselves how they would react when they find out their child has increased temperature, and would they be able to pick up their child in the shortest amount of time.


  • Even though we are preparing for Kolonie to occur, we reserve the right to cancel our summer program if special concerns arise about the safety of children on our campground.


  • We trust that thanks to your cooperation, Kolonie will happen, kindling joy in our campers as they do each year.


  • Information on this site will be updated. We request that you check this site regularly.


Thank you,


Camp Vista



*Camp Vista, N3398 Chapel Heights Rd,  Campbellsport, WI 53010

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