For youth who previously participated in Kolonie Summer Camp as campers in the past, we offer an option to return to camp as a junior counselor (JC). By signing up for this position, the individual volunteers his/her time to assist in running some Kolonie program activities. Camp Vista creates an opportunity for these individuals to develop character traits such as: conscientiousness, precision, hard work, honesty, friendship, leadership, service to others, etc. We find that serving others in a camp setting often begins the discovery and development of an individuals’ talents (ability to share the Gospel, interest in science, technology, sports, music, poetry, teaching, arts, etc.).
These individuals can also participate in this program by assisting their group leader(s). They will take part in activities such as preparing and running activities for younger campers, helping in the kitchen, cleaning out the forest, etc.
Junior counselors have a limited participation in the summer program offered for regular campers, however, they have additional evening meetings (Leadership Hour) and get-togethers a few times a day to discuss topics relevant to life at the camp.
Cost: $750
Housing will be in a cabin with fellow participants and a group leader, or in a group of junior counselors and volunteers.
Volunteers have similar duties to junior counselors, with higher expectations.
Housing is in a cabin with fellow participants and a group leader, or in a group of junior counselors and volunteers.
The counselor performs the responsibilities of supervising a group of retreatants. It is always an individual who participated in Camp Vista programs as a camper, then JC, and then volunteer, and now wants to lead a group using his or her past experiences at camp. We want to remind applicants that sending in an application does not guarantee being chosen for the position for leader or counselor in a given year. Final selection decisions are usually confirmed in late March/early April.
The Summer Staff program is more than a job; it can be life-changing. In addition to your job duties, you will be challenged in your spiritual journey through small group interaction specifically designed to help you take the next step in your relationship with God. Special attention is paid to helping you hear God's call for your life. Come grow, change, and serve with us.
This is a paid position. Counselors receive their financial stipend at the end of their term at Camp Vista.
Housing is in a cabin with group of around 10 campers.

During the duration of Kolonie Summer Camp, the responsibilities of the positions discussed above are subject to change at any moment based on needs at hand or other situations that come up.
We reserve the right to refuse admission to our program due to availability, late submission, improper behavior of participant in the past, and/or any other reasons that may come up after reviewing registration forms.
For JC's and volunteers we grant 15 service hours per week.